Means of payment

1. Prepayment 

Dispatch will take place immediately after receipt of payment.
Please remit the amount of invoice to:

FireGirls™ by Drift GmbH 
BKS Bank
Sort code: 17000
A/c No: 180085076
IBAN Code: AT641700000180085076
Swift/Bic Code: BFKKAT2K

Please cite the number of your Order as reason for payment! 
For remits from abroad (European Union), please use the IBAN – and Swift/Bic Code and the appropriate money transfer form. (Thus, you save on bank charges for foreign bank transfers.)


2. Credit card

We accept MasterCard and VISA. Pay comfortably by credit card. Your data is processed through an encrypted and safe connection. After clearance by your bank, the debit entry and approval of your order will take place.


3. Paypal 

Use the simple and safe PayPal system fpr payments. Items will be delivered immediately after the payment has arrived.


Alternative purchasing tools:
via e-mail:
via telephone: +43 (0) 316 339 200 from Monday to Friday from 09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m
via fax: +43 (0) 316 339 200-20
via post: FireGirls™ by Drift GmbH, Neutorgasse 51, 8010 Graz, Austria